Thursday, March 13, 2008

Remember the beauty of Organic?

I had the opportunity to speak personally with Janet Blaschke, a founding member of the OASIS seal. She’s also the Principal of International Cosmetics & Regulatory Specialists, L.L.C., the official certifiers for OASIS.

Janet told me that the OASIS seal is “long overdue,” but now that it’s here, there’s a lot of momentum that’s building up to its success! She sees OASIS becoming rapidly recognizable to the consumer, because “the industry got involved from the very beginning and stayed relevant to what is achievable.”

With OASIS providing a format for using the seal, manufacturers will be able to get this on their products in the near future. For a product to get certification, Janet said, “Getting certified could be done in a matter of weeks if a manufacturer put a lot of effort into it. The guidelines that were created are relevant to what is achievable.”

If you’re wondering how you can get certified to the Organic Production Standard,
Visit International Cosmetics

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