Monday, March 10, 2008

Organic, It’s a beautiful thing!

Friday, I heard about the launch of the Oasis Seal. It is the first organic standard in the beauty and personal care market. Its purpose is to signify manufacturers trying to to use more raw, organic materials in these types of products. It has the backing of companies such as Aveda, Hain Celestial and L'oreal.

According to the organization, OASIS stands for "Organic and Sustainable Industry Standards". The OASIS seal
*Provides assurance to the consumer of credible value
for Organic and Sustainable claims.
*Tells buyers throughout the world that your product has met
the highest international Standard for the Health and Beauty industry.

The best source of information at this time is to visit There you will find information on certification and sign up to be a founding member.

How will this effect packaging? Oasis will initially be focusing on certifying ingredients but will most likely branch out to include packaging. I will keep you informed when this develops further. Look for more posts about this and much more discussion. Later this year, look for this seal to start showing up on our favorite products!

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