Friday, October 17, 2008

Die Cuts are the Most Important Part of Breakfast

A recent trip to Whole Foods had me closely examining the cereal aisle to see what stood out. The answer? Die cut boxes for cereal and breakfast bars. These front-panel die cuts, which make the product really pop off the shelf, are part of a packaging trend that appears to be gaining speed. In fact, Dorset Cereals, Back to Nature Cereal, Carman’s Muesli Bars and Honest Foods Granola Planks are all using this packaging style. Product show through works when the product is appetizing and doesn't discolor.

The real trendsetter for packaging is Dorset Cereals, with a beautiful product, great images and simple copy. Their mix of muesli, raisins and other items look beautiful, and their overall visual images and copy are simple, straightforward and leave you feeling happy. Their tagline, "honest, tasty and real" aptly sums up the product, and the keyword "real" connects with consumers.

The Granola Planks from Honest Foods also had great shelf presence, with illustrations that delivered a nice feeling and die cuts that served their purpose well. (By the way, while investigating the packaging, we consumed all of the Granola Planks... and they taste great!)

1 comment:

Don Guss said...

I think the die cuts here are really useful.
They don't just show the product, but become part
of the over all brand architecture.

Nice article.