Thursday, May 8, 2008

Meet WIP Member Jen Hambell

Jennifer (Jen) Hambell, an Associate Consultant for Packaging & Technology Integrated Solutions, LLC, has been a member of Chicago’s chapter of Women in Packaging since the early part of her career.

Read on to find out more about her career in packaging and what brought her to Chicago’s chapter of WIP.

What is your job?
I am an Associate Consultant for Packaging & Technology Integrated Solutions, LLC. PTIS is a leading management consulting firm with an innovative approach to packaging. Our clients range from Fortune 500 companies to entrepreneurs looking for packaging implementation, strategy and more.

What are you currently working on?
I am currently supporting a number of initiatives, including new beverage packaging solutions for two major corporations and a multi-client study focusing on specific container trends.

What brought you to Women in Packaging?
I joined Women in Packaging early in my career through my own discovery. The support network and resources were very appealing to me at the time and now I see the Chicago Chapter and organization as a whole growing, without losing focus on the importance of relationships.

What is your favorite package?
It is difficult to identify one favorite package. I am very intrigued by companies such as KTM, focusing on biodegradable packaging while maintaining the same package integrity as polystyrene or other petro chemical based products. I am also keen on PET emulating glass in the beverage categories.

What trends do you see in packaging this year?
Undoubtedly and to no surprise, we are seeing an increase in companies wanting to move down the sustainable path and "do the right thing.” You can build sustainable packaging objectives into any project initiative through lightweight, increased recycled content, etc. The next step is helping the consumer understand the benefits of sustainable packaging without impacting product integrity and cost.

Thanks Jen, we look forward to seeing you on June 3rd and hearing more from you at the Green Packaging Summit.

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