Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It’s Easy Being Green (And Innovative!) at the Global Food & Style Expo-Chicago

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood for the All Things Organic and the Specialty Food show yesterday.

I found some great green products and packaging worth noting. First up, Glacia Icebox. This product has the best sustainable story and packaging. Basically, it’s Norweigan Arctic Spring water that tastes great – and the packaging is a 5 liter biodegradable box with a spout and a water bib (all are 100% recyclable!). Later in the spring, they will be launching individual Sport Bottles made from plant-based PLA (Polymerized Lactic Acid), a renewable resource. Check them out here! http://www.glacia.co.uk/

Tari Harris Furey of Chet's
Next up, we have some innovative design from Chet’s. This is a brand new product with a great story. It’s all in the family business with these folks, who love their peanut butter sauce on top of their ice cream. I must say this was a real treat! Tari Harris and her siblings started bottling this family tradition peanut butter sauce, and are now sharing it with the world. This unique packaging is squeezable, unique and, I suspect, a hot new seller.

Lastly, I found these interesting bottles from Aquadeco. Water goes artsy with Canadian bottled spring water in glass and PET bottles.

A special mention should also go out to Tasty Baby. Founded by Shannan Swanson and Liane Weintraub, this is an organic baby food line with flavor names like, Life’s a Peach and Peas on Earth. They think of babies as mini-superheroes, giving them the power of good nutrition along with fun packaging design.

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