Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Helping change the world is simple. Small steps become new habits, new attitudes become new trends and next, we have a new world. Here are a few things to do with your packaging in honor of Earth Day.

1. Find new uses for cans.
Plant some Kitchen Herbs. Decorate your can, put in a little dirt and put in some italian parsley seeds. Place in a sunny spot and your taste buds will thank you.

2. Find new uses for Glass Bottles.
Decorate. Think you can't? Look what Avec Restaurant did with emerald-green glass bottles. Look all the way down to the back wall. The bottles are the point-of-interest for the room and it is super Chicago-chic!

3. Packaging Free Alternative- 
Go Shopping...that couldn't be easier. Buy some houseplants, they can rid your home or office of indoor air pollutants.

Need more ideas?

4. Check out New Uses for Everyday things Hall of Fame Here you will find 101 new uses for everyday things.

Enjoy the day!

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